Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif. Adapun pendekatan sistem yang dilakukan penulis adalah pendekatan berorientasi data (data oriented) dan pengembangan sistem menggunakan model prototipe. Sedangkan untuk implementasinya digunakan beberapa perangkat lunak (software) yang diantaranya; database server menggunakan SQL Server 2000, Interprice Manager, untuk bahasa pemograman menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0, dan pembuatan laporan menggunakan Crystal Report 8.5.
Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Sistem Informasi Penjualan Pembelian Dan Persediaan Obat yang terkomputerisasi dan mampu menjawab atau menanggulangi permasalahan yang teridentifikasi di Apotek Anyar.
Description Alternative :
Implementation of information systems has now spread almost in all spheres of life, is no exception in the field of public services, particularly health services such as pharmacies. Anyar pharmacy is a pharmacy that is developing and moving in the field of services to assist the community in serving the purchase of medicines from both prescription and non prescription. In carrying out its sales activities Pharmacy Anyar require process data accuracy and time efficiency when serving customers for consumer satisfaction in itself. In addition there are many problems that arise in a system that is currently running, such as difficulty when searching for inventory information and reporting process the drug sale and purchase of supplies of drugs requires a long time. To overcome these problems, need to be designed an information system and database applications that can accommodate large amounts of data so that, if done on a data access through an application process that is built will make it easier for users to obtain the information. The purpose of this study was done to determine Sales Information Systems Purchasing and Supplies Drugs that are running in the pharmacy Anyar and do the designing, implementation, and testing of Sales Information Systems Purchasing and Supplies Drugs proposed to address or overcome the problems faced. The study design used in this study is descriptive. The authors conducted a systems approach is data-oriented approach (data oriented) and the development of the system using a prototype model. As for implementation, use some software (software), which include; database server using SQL Server 2000, Interprice Manager, for the programming language using Visual Basic 6.0, and preparing reports using Crystal Report 8.5. The results of this study in the form of Information System Purchasing and Inventory Sales Drugs computerized and able to answer or address the problems identified in Pharmacy Anyar.
Ditulis oleh Anisa Adzani
Nim 10507252
Perpustakaan UNIKOM
INFO : Kami menjual Contoh Program Apotek yang dapat Anda terapkan untuk Proyek Tugas Akhir(TA) dan juga Skripsi. Kami menawarkan dalam 3 versi, yaitu :
- Program Apotek berbasis Visual Basic 6 dan Ms Access
- Program Apotek berbasis Client-Server dengan Visual Basic 6 dan MySQL
- Pogram Apotek berbasis Web dengan PHP-MySQL dan Dreamweaver
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